Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hilary & Obama

Here is a pic of our latest batch of trouble, born on Jan 3rd.
In light of recent events we have started calling them Hilary & Obama. By the way if you know anyone who wants to adopt one they will be ready to go about the second week of March.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Love the Resolution!!

I really do love your New Year's Resolution! To have Brent be a better housewife!! Maybe I ought to get Craig involved in the resolution as well. Hehe!! I think my resolution will be to take a class or two just for fun. Cassie and I are thinking about taking a conversational Spanish class and I want to take a pottery and gardening class as well.
Anything new going on with anyone?? Just the same old stuff here. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. I know very exciting.

Has anyone heard if G&G made it to St. George?


Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Where to begin on the things I would like to improve upon..ha list can go on for miles. I am boring and setting school goals...grades kick my butt! I am setting a New Year's for be a good house wife...ha kidding! He is a good one already! Anyway..what is yours? Hope all is well!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Haha, I am the first one to post in the New Year!!


Hope this year find everyone healthy and happy. I wanna hear what your New Year's Resolutions are...