Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What's Up In Idaho??

I wondered how mom's literary club meeting went on Monday. All the food she planned to make sounded way yummy. Just wondered how it turned out and I need the recipe for the angel food cake, fruit thing she made. It looked way too good not to try at least once. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter even though it was sort of cold. The weather here in Idaho has been crazy as usual. The last two days the wind has blown about 900 miles an hour, at least it felt like it.
I got all the bulbs planted in my yard from the ones Heidi gave me. Good grief, it took me forever to get them all in. Next spring though, I am going to be really glad that I did it. Thanks a bunch Heidi for sharing them with me.
I understand Natalie graduates from college and Brandy is the May Day Queen...are both of those happening on the same day? May 5th??? Let me know if that is the right day and the when's and where's. Congrats to the both of you! It sounds like Brandy and Heidi are going to be pretty darn busy getting all the pre-event stuff arranged for and done. Oh well, just a little something more to keep you busy. (Like you're not busy enough already)
For a little info from us, Cassie is getting ready to go to the prom later this month. Who ever thought it would be such a nightmare to find a dress. I swear we have looked in every store in the Western States and haven't found one that fits just right or looks just right or is the right color etc. She is pretty excited about it though. She's going with some cowboy for Oakley. I know, she's being a traitor being from Burley and all. Casey in the mean time has sort of sworn off girls and is working like mad after school and on weekends to make some money. I think he is serious about this wanting to get a vehicle of his own idea. If all this work keeps him out of trouble though, I'm all for it. Cody is an insane man. He is working at Fred Meyer, going to school and working another job on his days off from Fred Meyer. But, he is young and can do it. Thank goodness I am past that age and know better. It would kill me now to try to keep up with him.
Well, everyone keep us updated on your latest and greatest, we are interested to know and keep up with everybody.
Craig and Kerri

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