Thursday, November 5, 2009

Christmas Party

The Christmas Party from what I understand is on the 12th...think that is right. Loni is in charge. Doesn't sound like we are going to do a give exchange this year, maybe anyone who is interested ought to donate canned items for the local shelter or baby quilts for the hospital, or something for a family in need this season in Newton. THe bishop ought to know of someone. I don't know, just a thought. But of course we will be having an awesome dinner, the best of company and hang out and do crafts, games and whatever else suits us.
That is just a great baby video Natalie...loved it. But since we never get to see you all, we need picture proof! Don't hold out on us now. Hopefully we will see ya at least in December.
By the way, did you all know that Holly is having another baby to add to the family? Congrats!

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