Monday, November 29, 2010

Update from the Mulveys

Hello! It has been forever since I have been on the blog! We are doing great here in the freezing weather! I hate the wind that's for sure.  Brent is still working at Solvay Chemicals.  He is on surface now though running one of the boards.  He seems to like it.  Abby is getting big...nine months almost.  She is loving every second of freedom.  When she started crawling at six months she decided freedom was her goal.  She is a fireball! We love it! She is starting to talk...mama and dada.  She is also walking around furniture:)  I enjoy being at home with her! We have a lot of fun together! I feel like I get to see Brent more too (we don't pass each other anymore on our way to work).  We are excited to see everyone who will be at the Christmas party!  Let's hope the weather permits us to come!

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