Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How was the Campout?

Sorry you all, we had to miss the Maughan Campout this year. Craig was the Rangemaster at the OTML Rendezvous and he had to be there. Next year however, we are changing the week of the Rendezvous by one week earlier, so it won't coincide with the Maughan Campout again! How was it anyhow? Who all came? Who took pics? You need to post some of them on the blog so we can see all the fun we missed. In the mean time at the Rendezvous Casey won a black powder pistol for one of his shooting events and I won this really cool box. I'll have to post some pics as soon as I find the camera...everything is buried still. Now the unpacking begins. We took a couple of extra kids with us, so needless to say, 2 adults and 5 kids in a wall tent going totally primative was quite an experience! It was pretty fun though. Thanks for Nancy's number Marta-I'll have to call her and see what's up. Sounds like your boys will be back soon if all goes as planned and they don't end up with another side trip like on the way there. Hope all goes great for them. Probably be up there sometime next week. We just finished with State Survey at work and we have been swamped.

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