Thursday, September 13, 2007

Somewhere in Washington & Oregon

#1 No this is not a playground. The two little juvenile deliquents are on an art sculture just outside of the space needle. Lucky for them they didn't get arrested. There is a sign telling to Keep Off! #2 At a rest area somewhere, some kind of blue bird stealing corn nuts that we had set out for the squirrels. #3 Cody and Casey feeding the squirrels right out of their hands. M&M's and squirrels??? Hope it didn't kill 'em. #4 & #5 Cassie & Casey at the bottom of the space needle. #6 Well, imagine that!!! On our little visit to see Craig's brother Kevin, the boys went out for a little fishing trip and this is what they caught. Really, after a day of fishing in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, the boys going just a little too fast on washboard roads ended up off the road, over three trees and down about a fifteen foot drop. Luckily no one was hurt. Craig and Kevin went to the rescue and got home with the boys safe and sound about 4 AM after traversing just about every old logging road on the mountain. #7 Just outside of Portland, on the way home. This was a really fun spot to stop. #8 Outside the Seattle Aquarium. We spent a ton of time here and could have spent longer. There were some really cool things to see. #9 Cody kissing a pig at the Space Needle. #10 Cody at the bottom of the space needle.

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