Thursday, September 13, 2007

Vacation Lindsay Style

#1 Kerri kicking some a@#??? #2 At the falls, Cassie thinking she was too tired to finish hiking up to the top. She made Casey carry her the rest of the way up. #3 "Wetbacks" at the local fish processing plant. Don't they really look like they coulda been there? #4 Casey's new girl friend. She's a real a$$. :-) #5 Now, Casey grabbing some a$$. He was quite the busy boy. #6 Cassie as usual talking on the phone. Even when out of cell phone service range, she managed to try to get the oldie, but goodie to work for her as well. #7 At one of the Lewis and Clark parks in Oregon on the way home. They thought it would make a cool picture. I think we spent half a day just inside on of the museums along the way near The Dalles. You wouldn't think teenagers would find a museum so much fun.

1 comment:

Steve and Stephanie said...

It looks like you all had a great time. I miss the days when we used to be able to take all our kids on vacations. It just isn't the same anymore with everyone going their different ways. Oh well, I guess we have our grandkids. They are always up for a trip. See you guys soon. Love ya, Stephanie