Monday, October 27, 2008

Thanksgiving at Mom & Dad's

Sounds like everyone is going to mom & dad's for Thanksgiving dinner this year. Yahoo!! It will be good to see everyone and visit, since it seems like forever since we have been in Utah. Mom & Heidi have sort of put together a list of what you could bring to the dinner so mom doesn't have to provide it all. Call mom & she can tell you what. We also thought that if you are going to stay the weekend, if you want to bring your scrapbooking stuff we'd have a get together at Heidi's Friday and/or Saturday. This past weekend I did go to mom & dad's. Heidi, Loni, mom & I tied four quilts for Heidi. They turned out really cute. Hey Steph & Steve...did you get your deer this year? Heard you were up in the hills this past weekend. Congratulations to Amber is moved in with Steph & Steve for school. I could never even say the name of what she is going to school for let alone spell it. Something to do with skin care & of course more. I'm sure as a family we could keep her in pretty good business.

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