Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to Antarctica!

It has been snowing in Burley ALL DAY today, and I swear we have about 10 inches of snow. But lucky me I get to be home and warm, Casey on the other hand is freezing his butt off deer hunting. I was informed that they got two 2 points, but Casey still hasn't got his, the hunt continues tomorrow. My mom's plans to visit grandma & grandpa were foiled due to the snow and not to mention the Interstate was closed. So, we spent the day shoveling snow and shoveling snow and did I mention shoveling snow?? We did also spend some time cutting out levi squares for quilt tops. It's hard to believe that just 3 days ago it was 80 degrees here! Were did autumn go? So here are some pics to show just how deep the snow is.

Ok so maybe its really not that deep...

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