Okay- question for Susie. How in the world did Todd break his ankle? I tell you living in Idaho we are totally out of the everyday loop of what goes on. I can't imagine that Todd was doing anything break neck. He is so mild and gentle and cautious and all. HaHa. I know better than that. Anyhow, it is good to get news of your family and big Congratulations to Brody and Traci on the upcoming event. He definitely has a sweetie in her. She just seems to fit right in. I'm really happy for the both of them, but I told Brody it is weird to think of my nephew having a WIFE. They should still be just little boys, not grown men. I really am getting old.
Natalie- Congrats to you as well for landing an awesome job and better yet, close to home. You lucky dog you. I think your mom and dad will be glad to have you close by. Craig is still in the matchmaking mode and is looking for another date for you...So watch out. So far I told him he is a really bad matchmaker and that he needs to give it up, but... He still has your picture on his phone and some of the guys at work have seen it and think you are a cutie. You never know. LOL. I will tell him to give it up and leave you alone already.
Craig & Kerri
Friday, March 30, 2007
New to Me
This is new to me. I've heard about blogs, but never seen one or participated. This will be a cool way to keep in touch, somewhat. Yes, the big thing going on in our family is Brody's wedding coming up on June 15. Can we assume that if we announce something on the blog that everyone would know about it. That would be nice, but unfortunately not everyone is at the computer regularly. Speaking of announcements, does anyone know the official date of the Maughan campout. Traditionally it's been the last weekend in June, but that varied a bit last year . . . just wondering. Everything is going quite well at our house. We're looking forward to Todd's broken foot healing, spring, Ben graduating from high school, and of course, the wedding! If I can figure things out and post some pictures - wish me luck. I did it. The winter picture is, guess who, jumping the road in Island Park, our dove dinner, and Brody and Traci in Vegas.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
This is a kinda cute story
The day finally arrived. Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself. However, the gates are closed, and Forrest approaches the gatekeeper. St. Peter said, "Well Forrest, it is certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must tell you though that the place is filling up fast, and we have been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven." Forrest responds, "It sure is good to be here, St. Peter, sir. But nobody ever told me about any entrance exam. I sure hope that the test ain't too hard. Life was a big enough test as it was." St. Peter continued, "Yes, I know, Forrest, but the test is only three questions." First: What two days of the week begin with the letter "T"? Second: How many seconds are there in a year? Third: What is God's first name?" Forrest leaves to think the questions over. He returns the next day and sees St. Peter, who waves him down, and says, "Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers." Forrest replied, "Well the first one- which two days of the week begins with the letter "T"? Shucks, that one is easy. That would be Today and Tomorrow." The Saint's eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, "Forrest, that is not what I was thinking, but you have a point, and I guess I did not specify, so I will give you credit for that answer.. How about the next one?" asked St. Peter. "How many seconds in a year? Now that one is harder," replied Forrest, but I thunk and thunk about that, and I guess the only answer can be twelve." Astounded, St. Peter said, "Twelve? Twelve? Forrest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?" Forrest replied,"Shucks, there's got to be twelve:January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd...."Hold it," interrupts St. Peter. "I see where you are going with this, and I see your point, though that was not quite what I had in mind...but I will have to give you credit for that one too. Let us go on with the third and final question. Can you tell me God's first name"? "Sure" Forrest replied, "it's Andy."
"Andy?" exclaimed and exasperated and frustrated St.Peter. "Ok, I can understand how you came up with your answers to the first two questions, but just how in the world did you come up with the name Andy as the first name of God?" "Shucks, that was the easiest one of all," Forrest replied. "I learnt it from a song "ANDY WALKS WITH ME, ANDY TALKS WITH ME, ANDY TELLS ME I AM HIS OWN...."
St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates, and said "Run Forrest, run."
Posting/Reading comments
For those of you that are new to this, you can go to the bottom of each post and click on the comment icon and either leave a comment or just read comments that others have left.
By the way, Craig saw the doctor today and he gave him a full release for his juice run job. He has to go back one more time the first of July to make sure he will be fully released before starting maintenance and repair jobs. WooHoo!
By the way, Craig saw the doctor today and he gave him a full release for his juice run job. He has to go back one more time the first of July to make sure he will be fully released before starting maintenance and repair jobs. WooHoo!
Let's go out for ice cream
Here is a little story of your sister that may brighten your day.
If Stephanie is anything like Kerri about going to the doctor, maybe you should try this. It worked for me. A while back Kerri had been sick for several weeks and wouldn't go to the doctor. She also wouldn't let me make an appointment for her. I guess working with them every day left her with a less than confident attitude or maybe she just got it from her dad, or something like that... Anyway, one day I got tired of hearing her complaining and not willing to go in to the doctor. I had to take matters into my own hands, since I know how the Maughan's love popcorn and ice cream, I told her maybe she would feel better if I took her out for ice cream at the drive through at Dairy Queen. And the fresh air would be good along with a change of scenery. So, I got her into the car and drove directly to the local Evening Medical Clinic, took the keys out of the ignition and said, "As soon as you get out of the car and see the doctor, you can go and get some ice cream." At first she told me to go to h@#$, but I got out of the car with the keys and told her I was going to walk home with the keys if she didn't go in. Needless to say, she finally saw the doctor and is living proof that sometimes it is necessary to have an alternative agenda before getting ice cream. So, Nicholls family, if Stephanie hasn't seen a doctor already....maybe you should just take her out for some ice cream. It worked for me. Hope Stephanie gets feeling better quick. Hope this little ditty made you smile at the crazy things a husband will do for the one he loves. Thinking of you guys.Craig & Kerri
March 29,2007
well kylee is having her fifth grade olympics this week and I'm going to go and watch her and also derek and colby are going to go and watch her tomrrow.
COlby is taking weight training on monday's and wednesday's after school to get ready for football next year.
Derek is taking peer tutor and he goes to North Cache every day during 5th hour to do his intern ship in special education. that is the feild what he wants to go out in.
Severo is still working at schriber's cheese in logan every day and now on saturday's and also him and his friends are doing a sheep ranch together. the sheep are starting to have there babies.
Marcia I am still a lunch lady at North cache every day for 5 hours a day. and running kylee to soccer practice on tuesday's and friday's. and running colby to gyc meetings . derek also helps out in running them to what they need to go to.
thats all for now untill April.2007
well kylee is having her fifth grade olympics this week and I'm going to go and watch her and also derek and colby are going to go and watch her tomrrow.
COlby is taking weight training on monday's and wednesday's after school to get ready for football next year.
Derek is taking peer tutor and he goes to North Cache every day during 5th hour to do his intern ship in special education. that is the feild what he wants to go out in.
Severo is still working at schriber's cheese in logan every day and now on saturday's and also him and his friends are doing a sheep ranch together. the sheep are starting to have there babies.
Marcia I am still a lunch lady at North cache every day for 5 hours a day. and running kylee to soccer practice on tuesday's and friday's. and running colby to gyc meetings . derek also helps out in running them to what they need to go to.
thats all for now untill April.2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Nicholls'
Why HELLO everyone! Well so far the Lindsay's and Brody! I am glad to see you guys writing! Guess what I too am ENGAGED!!! HA HA jk. I hope you didn't fall for that! I am not..by the way this is Natalie. My Mom has not been feeling well, so I decided I would update you guys!
Well things have been pretty good here in good ole WVC! Besides the fact that my mom has been sick and no one knows what to tell her. Which I assume is very frustrating for her. We all know her and she normally isn't one to complain. My dad is still working at the station. So they are just the old couple now ha ha!
My siblings are good! We get to see Kurt's girls this weekend, so that should be the adventure for us! They love coming to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Heck I would too, they get to have lots of fun here! We see Jason lots, he is still loving his son! He is a great DAD! I don't think anyone has too big of news! But sometimes no news can be good news.
Well I guess I kinda have news. I actually received a Full time teaching contract with Granite District. Looks like I'm staying close to home. The school I am student teaching at is planning on offering me a Fourth Grade position. But that's on the down low, cause they can't officially offer it until the end of this week! So that should be exciting!
Things have been pretty good down here for us! I am excited to hear everyone is doing pretty well! Have a great day! Love you all!
Well things have been pretty good here in good ole WVC! Besides the fact that my mom has been sick and no one knows what to tell her. Which I assume is very frustrating for her. We all know her and she normally isn't one to complain. My dad is still working at the station. So they are just the old couple now ha ha!
My siblings are good! We get to see Kurt's girls this weekend, so that should be the adventure for us! They love coming to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Heck I would too, they get to have lots of fun here! We see Jason lots, he is still loving his son! He is a great DAD! I don't think anyone has too big of news! But sometimes no news can be good news.
Well I guess I kinda have news. I actually received a Full time teaching contract with Granite District. Looks like I'm staying close to home. The school I am student teaching at is planning on offering me a Fourth Grade position. But that's on the down low, cause they can't officially offer it until the end of this week! So that should be exciting!
Things have been pretty good down here for us! I am excited to hear everyone is doing pretty well! Have a great day! Love you all!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Lindsay's
Cody is still going to school full time at CSI, no it's not Crime Scene Investigators-it's The College of Southern Idaho. This quarter he has had some pretty tough courses to keep him busy. I call him crazy, but he has been taking Calculus II, Chemistry and a Law class. And if that is not enough to keep him busy he is also working part time at Fred Meyer and on his days off he works for Craig's brother Clyde on the repairing sprinkler pipes. Personally, I don't know how he keeps it all together and stay on top of it all. Needless to say, we the parents don't get to see him very often. He is living in Twin Falls and I think actually loves being away from home. It's sad to say, but true, my LITTLE boy has grown up. Cody is still dating Maggie. I think most of you have met her. She is in the EMT classes now and going on to Paramedic school. Craig asked him if he thought they might get married sometime, but Cody just put him off saying maybe in the future. Who knows, maybe we will have a bunch of weddings coming up here soon.
Cassie is a Junior this year, she's doing well in school although homework to her is a bummer. You know, having a social life and all, sometimes just doesn't mesh well with after school work. After all, you do have to keep up appearances. :-) Cassie is on the "school" Bowling Team, although they are not sanctioned by the school. This year they went undefeated in the season, took 2nd place at District and 3rd place along with a scholarship, in the State finals. She was pretty stoked to finally score over 180 in a n individual game. Recently she and three of her friends bowled in local tournament and took 1st place in their age group. Over Spring Break, Cassie went to spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa Maughan. She said that they had a lot of fun at the races and hanging out with the cousins. By the way Derek, Cassie loves to drive your car. You must be crazy to let her behind the wheel!!!
Casey is a Freshman at the High School. I'm not sure Cassie is convinced that is a good thing, but Casey loves the idea of being out of the Jr. High. Of all the kids, Casey is the social butterfly and the Romeo. School is a real pain in the you know what for him, but he sticks with it. I think his favorite class is Weights! If that tells you anything. He tells me he is going to be the first "real" bodybuilder to not use steroids. So far even though he has a small frame, he is pretty buff and of course, it doesn't hurt at all to attract the girls when he takes off his shirt and flexes. Oh, to be in High School again...NOT! Casey was on the bowling team as well this year. As he is just learning, he was on the JV team which didn't do very well as far as placing, but they had a blast. He did however beat Cassie to the over 180 game. Right now, he is working for Clyde fixing pipe every chance he gets. He is trying to save up for a truck. I think that he could have enough after working the whole summer with Clyde. Best of all, it gives him a goal to work for and as an added bonus, he is busy out in the fields where the only people he sees are old ugly guys! Keeps him outta trouble.
Craig is hopefully back to work full time on full duty after he sees the doctor on Thursday. It has been a very long 5 months since his surgery. He is feeling good though and you can't ask for more than that. I think he is anxious to get back to his regular job. Craig just bid on and got a new job (Standard Liquor Operator) at Almagamated Sugar that will keep him on campaign for another 3-4 months. He is glad about that as he was not sure his back was ready to do Maintenance and Repair work which usually requires a lot of heavy lifting. This way his back will have just a little longer to heal. He is so ready to start going to rendezvous' this summer he can hardly stand himself. I think he just wants to try to show me up and win a new gun for himself. I have news for you Craig...NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! I am still working at the rehabilitation center and working as a nurse educator. It is a pretty fun job and has lots of flexibility in the hours and times I have to been at work. I usually go in after the kids go to school and am off by the time they are out of school. That part has been pretty nice. We have been out working in the yard trying to get it cleaned up and ready to plant. The weather has been so great and sunny. But don't kid yourself. We live in Idaho and it's not that great, the WIND always blows. Just a matter of how hard and which direction. Anyhow, that's a little update from our family and we would love to hear from you all about you and your families. If you have any more family member email addresses, we would love to have them to send an invite to join our blog. Let us know.
Craig and Kerri
Cody is still going to school full time at CSI, no it's not Crime Scene Investigators-it's The College of Southern Idaho. This quarter he has had some pretty tough courses to keep him busy. I call him crazy, but he has been taking Calculus II, Chemistry and a Law class. And if that is not enough to keep him busy he is also working part time at Fred Meyer and on his days off he works for Craig's brother Clyde on the repairing sprinkler pipes. Personally, I don't know how he keeps it all together and stay on top of it all. Needless to say, we the parents don't get to see him very often. He is living in Twin Falls and I think actually loves being away from home. It's sad to say, but true, my LITTLE boy has grown up. Cody is still dating Maggie. I think most of you have met her. She is in the EMT classes now and going on to Paramedic school. Craig asked him if he thought they might get married sometime, but Cody just put him off saying maybe in the future. Who knows, maybe we will have a bunch of weddings coming up here soon.
Cassie is a Junior this year, she's doing well in school although homework to her is a bummer. You know, having a social life and all, sometimes just doesn't mesh well with after school work. After all, you do have to keep up appearances. :-) Cassie is on the "school" Bowling Team, although they are not sanctioned by the school. This year they went undefeated in the season, took 2nd place at District and 3rd place along with a scholarship, in the State finals. She was pretty stoked to finally score over 180 in a n individual game. Recently she and three of her friends bowled in local tournament and took 1st place in their age group. Over Spring Break, Cassie went to spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa Maughan. She said that they had a lot of fun at the races and hanging out with the cousins. By the way Derek, Cassie loves to drive your car. You must be crazy to let her behind the wheel!!!
Casey is a Freshman at the High School. I'm not sure Cassie is convinced that is a good thing, but Casey loves the idea of being out of the Jr. High. Of all the kids, Casey is the social butterfly and the Romeo. School is a real pain in the you know what for him, but he sticks with it. I think his favorite class is Weights! If that tells you anything. He tells me he is going to be the first "real" bodybuilder to not use steroids. So far even though he has a small frame, he is pretty buff and of course, it doesn't hurt at all to attract the girls when he takes off his shirt and flexes. Oh, to be in High School again...NOT! Casey was on the bowling team as well this year. As he is just learning, he was on the JV team which didn't do very well as far as placing, but they had a blast. He did however beat Cassie to the over 180 game. Right now, he is working for Clyde fixing pipe every chance he gets. He is trying to save up for a truck. I think that he could have enough after working the whole summer with Clyde. Best of all, it gives him a goal to work for and as an added bonus, he is busy out in the fields where the only people he sees are old ugly guys! Keeps him outta trouble.
Craig is hopefully back to work full time on full duty after he sees the doctor on Thursday. It has been a very long 5 months since his surgery. He is feeling good though and you can't ask for more than that. I think he is anxious to get back to his regular job. Craig just bid on and got a new job (Standard Liquor Operator) at Almagamated Sugar that will keep him on campaign for another 3-4 months. He is glad about that as he was not sure his back was ready to do Maintenance and Repair work which usually requires a lot of heavy lifting. This way his back will have just a little longer to heal. He is so ready to start going to rendezvous' this summer he can hardly stand himself. I think he just wants to try to show me up and win a new gun for himself. I have news for you Craig...NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! I am still working at the rehabilitation center and working as a nurse educator. It is a pretty fun job and has lots of flexibility in the hours and times I have to been at work. I usually go in after the kids go to school and am off by the time they are out of school. That part has been pretty nice. We have been out working in the yard trying to get it cleaned up and ready to plant. The weather has been so great and sunny. But don't kid yourself. We live in Idaho and it's not that great, the WIND always blows. Just a matter of how hard and which direction. Anyhow, that's a little update from our family and we would love to hear from you all about you and your families. If you have any more family member email addresses, we would love to have them to send an invite to join our blog. Let us know.
Craig and Kerri
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Check out the Blog
Hope you all really love the blog! Once you get the hang of it, it is really easy and a great way to stay in touch. Especially for us Idahoans that live in BFE :) Just know, if I (the technically challenged) can do this so can you. Anyway if you have problems getting onto the site or questions, call Craig. He is the pro at it, not me. Looking forward to seeing some pics from your families and a little about what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Kerri & Craig
Kerri & Craig
Hello Family
Hi everyone
I thought it might be fun to start a family blog to keep in touch and share family fun and photos.
we have had one set up for the Lindsay's for about a year and everyone really enjoys it.
I'll start it out with some pic's of Mom and Dad's 50th.
any question's you can email me at lindcraig@gmail.com or call me on my cell
I thought it might be fun to start a family blog to keep in touch and share family fun and photos.
we have had one set up for the Lindsay's for about a year and everyone really enjoys it.
I'll start it out with some pic's of Mom and Dad's 50th.
any question's you can email me at lindcraig@gmail.com or call me on my cell
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