Friday, March 30, 2007

Okay- question for Susie. How in the world did Todd break his ankle? I tell you living in Idaho we are totally out of the everyday loop of what goes on. I can't imagine that Todd was doing anything break neck. He is so mild and gentle and cautious and all. HaHa. I know better than that. Anyhow, it is good to get news of your family and big Congratulations to Brody and Traci on the upcoming event. He definitely has a sweetie in her. She just seems to fit right in. I'm really happy for the both of them, but I told Brody it is weird to think of my nephew having a WIFE. They should still be just little boys, not grown men. I really am getting old.

Natalie- Congrats to you as well for landing an awesome job and better yet, close to home. You lucky dog you. I think your mom and dad will be glad to have you close by. Craig is still in the matchmaking mode and is looking for another date for you...So watch out. So far I told him he is a really bad matchmaker and that he needs to give it up, but... He still has your picture on his phone and some of the guys at work have seen it and think you are a cutie. You never know. LOL. I will tell him to give it up and leave you alone already.

Craig & Kerri

1 comment:

Steve and Stephanie said...

Ha will have to tell Craig good luck! Especially since you guys live so far away from me. Better yet just tell him to hit up Ben (my one from Nebraska that is)..and give a good talk to him. Ha just kidding. Keep me updated I guess.