Thursday, March 29, 2007


March 29,2007

well kylee is having her fifth grade olympics this week and I'm going to go and watch her and also derek and colby are going to go and watch her tomrrow.

COlby is taking weight training on monday's and wednesday's after school to get ready for football next year.

Derek is taking peer tutor and he goes to North Cache every day during 5th hour to do his intern ship in special education. that is the feild what he wants to go out in.

Severo is still working at schriber's cheese in logan every day and now on saturday's and also him and his friends are doing a sheep ranch together. the sheep are starting to have there babies.

Marcia I am still a lunch lady at North cache every day for 5 hours a day. and running kylee to soccer practice on tuesday's and friday's. and running colby to gyc meetings . derek also helps out in running them to what they need to go to.

thats all for now untill April.2007

1 comment:

Craig And Kerri said...

Sounds like you are keeping busy, busy, busy. I hope that you don't have too many baby lambs to feed by bottle. Oh my gosh, what a nightmare that was with them trying to get out all over the place when trying to only get one out at a time to feed them. :-) Glad to see you blogging. You'll have to get mom on and show her how as well. It's kinda fun.