Friday, March 30, 2007

New to Me

This is new to me. I've heard about blogs, but never seen one or participated. This will be a cool way to keep in touch, somewhat. Yes, the big thing going on in our family is Brody's wedding coming up on June 15. Can we assume that if we announce something on the blog that everyone would know about it. That would be nice, but unfortunately not everyone is at the computer regularly. Speaking of announcements, does anyone know the official date of the Maughan campout. Traditionally it's been the last weekend in June, but that varied a bit last year . . . just wondering. Everything is going quite well at our house. We're looking forward to Todd's broken foot healing, spring, Ben graduating from high school, and of course, the wedding! If I can figure things out and post some pictures - wish me luck. I did it. The winter picture is, guess who, jumping the road in Island Park, our dove dinner, and Brody and Traci in Vegas.

1 comment:

Craig And Kerri said...

Susie, I think you are an old pro at this stuff. First timer and already got the picture stuff going on. I love the pictures. It's not a wonder Todd has a broken've got a bunch of daredevils living with you. How do you stay sane???